Considerable misinformation and misunderstanding surrounds the Health and Wellness pet CBD product category. Compounding this, the category is not regulated by the FDA, there is no authoritative body providing science-based information about the quality, safety, and efficacy of CBD products for pets.
The fact is, all CBD is not created equal. Startup ElleVet Sciences was faced with the daunting task of breaking through category noise, creating product differentiation, and establishing category authority.
KINGSPØKE created 12 infographics, incorporating a unique brand-centric illustration style, to simply and clearly explain the complex science behind the products. The completed designs were deployed across a range of media, including print collateral, blog posts, and social media.
We also redesigned ElleVet’s existing collateral suite, including a tri-fold brochure, information sheets, sales folders, and clinic posters. The suite redesign, informed by ElleVet’s brand guidelines, incorporated illustrations from the infographic project, ensuring brand continuity across all elements.